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Yoga Session
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A safe place for women to
heal from chronic illness &
transform their life


Don't give up yet!

9 Years ago, I suffered from severe adrenal and neurological fatigue.  Some days, it took me out completely, but for the most part, I just wasn't living my best life. 


My days were ruined by chronic pain, debilitating fatigue, headaches, numbness and tingling, mood swings and a slew of other annoying symptoms. 

I finally took hold of my life and my health and healed myself from the inside out. 


I'd love to say it was a magic pill, but it really started with nurturing myself in ways that my body was craving.  I was tired of trying "one size fits all" treatments when it was CLEAR I needed something different. 

At Taking Cara Women, we believe your body holds the secret to it's own healing. We use customized programming to give your body exactly what it needs, whether that be stress relief, safe, corrective exercises, life coaching, or soft detox protocols.  We literally have something for everyone! 


While we specialize in natural pain management, personal training and returning you to the things you LOVE, we take a holistic approach to your healing. 


Check out some of the services we offer and schedule a free consultation to find out what's right for you!

Services Include:

First visit includes a thorough consultation AND treatment. 

-Speed up Recovery

-Increase Flexibility

-Eliminate Pain


-Increase Circulation


-Restore Range of Motion


-Prevent/Rehab Injury


No Insurance Needed-

Hours Of Operation:

Mon.  8:00am - 5:30pm

Tues.  8:00am - 3:00pm

Wed.   8:00am - 5:30pm

Thu.   8:00am - 3:00pm

Fri.     8:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday: By Appt Only

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